2024 Group 5 - Templuplu

On by: 2024-group5

Reusable templates for easy slideshow creation


User’s Goal:

More efficiently make a good and consistent presentation by creating and using component templates that can be reused across slides


A mix between templates, object groups and customizable clipboard is reified as our notion of "template components"


Templates - Creation - Composition

Our tool allows a user to make and reuse any object or group of objects as a reusable "template" that you can instanciate, edit after the fact, make variations of, or embed into another template.

This allows the user to easily create good and consistent presentations by using a set of pre-defined templates, or by creating and reusing their own.

  • Lo-Fi
  • Hi-Fi
  • Demos

Instrumental interaction


When users select multiple objects in a slide and drag them to the Templuplu component bar on the right, the system automatically creates a component that includes all the selected objects.


If users want to save a slide as a component, they can directly drag the slide into the collection, which will save their customized template for them.


Users can add one or more saved components, and the components will automatically adjust their size based on the quantity to fit the slides appropriately.

Users can also drag a component from the component bar (Collection) and drop it onto the slide.

Similarly, if users want to create a slide directly from the collection, they can drag a component onto the slide area, thereby creating a new slide with the template applied.

Users can adjust the position of components within a collection, and the changes will be reflected in real-time on the slides.

  • Lo-Fi
  • Hi-Fi
  • Demos

Human-Computer Partnership


Users can create new components directly by right-clicking on the desired objects and using the button "Add to component".


Users can add one or more saved components, and the components will automatically adjust their size based on the quantity to fit the slides appropriately.


Users can customize the layout of components by hand-drawing shapes (lines, geometries) on the slide.

Users can delete saved components by clicking the fork button in the right sidebar.

Users can adjust the position of components within a collection, and the changes will be reflected in real-time on the slides.

After dragging the component from the right sidebar and placing it on the drawn shape, the component will automatically generate different layouts based on the hand-drawn shape, e.g. rotate around the line.